Deborah Offenhauser
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“The spiritual discourse between artist and listener has always amazed me”, says Deborah. “To be able to record joy and energy and passion is wonderful. But to have a listener pick up on that and be affected by it, even years later, gives me particular pleasure.”
As an artist, Deborah enjoys interpreting other composer’s works, seeing how she can craft a new translation that marries the printed page with a contemporary rendition.
As a composer, she picks up on those “melody angels” that sit on one’s shoulder and whisper incessantly some little gem. Persistent as they are, the only way to dismiss them is to put pen to paper and write down the new musical adventure!
Deborah has played for U.S Senators, Governors and even a President, along with being on stage with groups such as The Moody Blues, The Four Lads, The Four Aces and the Irish Tenors, and played in touring Broadway shows like “Mama Mia” and “Grease”.
She has been Music Director at the Ritz-Carlton Phoenix, and her music has been heard on the hit TV Shows “Desperate Housewives”, “Madame Secretary”, and “The Big Bang Theory”. And let’s not forget the “Weather Channel”, and being on radio throughout Europe, and is licensed with Muzak and Music Choice.
Her 8th album “Soundscapes” received glowing reviews from around the world, and received a Silver 2018 Global Music Award.
“The spiritual discourse between artist and listener has always amazed me”, says Deborah. “To be able to record joy and energy and passion is wonderful. But to have a listener pick up on that and be affected by it, even years later, gives me particular pleasure.”
As an artist, Deborah enjoys interpreting other composer’s works, seeing how she can craft a new translation that marries the printed page with a contemporary rendition.
As a composer, she picks up on those “melody angels” that sit on one’s shoulder and whisper incessantly some little gem. Persistent as they are, the only way to dismiss them is to put pen to paper and write down the new musical adventure!
Deborah has played for U.S Senators, Governors and even a President, along with being on stage with groups such as The Moody Blues, The Four Lads, The Four Aces and the Irish Tenors, and played in touring Broadway shows like “Mama Mia” and “Grease”.
She has been Music Director at the Ritz-Carlton Phoenix, and her music has been heard on the hit TV Shows “Desperate Housewives”, “Madame Secretary”, and “The Big Bang Theory”. And let’s not forget the “Weather Channel”, and being on radio throughout Europe, and is licensed with Muzak and Music Choice.
Her 8th album “Soundscapes” received glowing reviews from around the world, and received a Silver 2018 Global Music Award.

New Beginnings
2015, Inspirational / Religious / Compilation Album

2002, Romantic Piano

Sweetest Sounds
1999, Romantic Piano